New Play Staged Reading 5/25/2019

I’m really looking forward to reading playwright Adam LeFever’s new piece, Foreign Policy, at Unison Arts Center on May 25th. Adam’s plays are always amazing and this one is no exception. Also reading will be Lori Wilner, and Nicole Quinn will read stage directions. Davis Hall directs.

Views: 141

Pix! WFF Reading 5/11/2019

A coupla nice candids from the recent reading of Feeding Mrs. Moskowitz, a new original screenplay sponsored by the Woodstock Film Festival and presented at the Klienart James Art Center on Tinker Street in Woodstock. A wonderful screenplay and an audience of almost 80 people (SRO!) made for a lively and fun evening.

L to R: Mary Gallagher, Katherine Burger, Joe White, Some Guy in Glasses.
Meira Blaustein, Co-Founder and Executive Director of the WFF gives the welcoming address before the reading. Behind and to left, an actor prepares. 😉

Views: 94